Friday, December 10, 2010


Still no followers :( 
But I'm not giving up !

Good-early-morning and a Happy Friday to you!

Something about the holidays makes me want to wake up early and get stuff done.  Yesterday, I woke up a little before 5, did a load of laundry (I finished it, I didn't even leave the dry clothes in the dryer to get wrinkled.), got my lunch together, and crocheted a pair of fingerless gloves.  Oh, and was able to order two Xmas presents.  Crazy right?  And of course I got ready for the 9-5er (which will remain nameless) an hour and a half too early.
It's just something about this time of year, I like being awake early, knowing whats going on in the news, having some "coffee couch time" with the dog.  No gas from him today......
I've talked about the dog a few times, but I don't think I have mentioned Holly.  Or as we like to call her Princess Holly because that's what she thinks she is.  To tell you the truth, she should be Hero Holly for all the crickets she has been taking care of in the basement. 
I woke up this morning with her on my chest sleeping and purring like a race car.  I'm happy that I wasn't too groggy and noticed that it is an unbelievably relaxing feeling.  I don't think that I have ever taken the time to just lay there.  Im usually up and out.  It's amazing what you find when you stop and smell the roses :) 

Check out my rocket ship of a fireplace!


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