Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I woke up this morning and on my way out the bedroom door, noticed it was white outside. I think the first thing I said to my K, even before good morning, may have been "Are there any schools closed?" because if there were  I was dialing the 9-5'er asap to see if that automated message was going to tell me something good.  But no, it wasn't enough for a snow day, just enough for the birds to have to shovel their porches to get to their outhouse.

On a happier note.  I crafted together a very detailed complaint about my favorite cookies and sent it to the company.  Just yesterday I received this!...
Woo hoooo free cookies for me.  For anyone looking to complain...here's a few words that come in handy, use them how you will :
packaging misrepresentation, brand loyalty, repeat customer, poor quality, consumer satisfaction, decrease in size, unappetizing

I don't know if I have mentioned this before, but I try to cook at least one thing on Sundays to have during the week.  Not that we eat the same thing every night, but every little bit helps when I don't have to come home and cook.  Tonight was perfect for this Bacon and Bean soup and a side of cornbread.  Check out that Little Red House blog, the everything they make looks amazing and sounds pretty easy.

9 followers- 11 more to go before I put up a free giveaway!
(I know it says I have 10 followers, but one of them happens to be me.  I have no idea how I managed to follow myself  :)


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