Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year! Now Get This Crap Outta My House.

Christmas was so last year!   I needed to get all the crap (for lack of better words) outta here yesterday.  It was New Years day and I wasnt about to go into the new year with all the decorations still up.  What a mess!

Bad back and all, I heaved that tree right out the front door myself.  I'm still finding pine needles on the floor after multiple sweeps.
For me, one of the most annoying things to take down and put away are the lights and garland but I had a eureka! moment.  I know they sell light winders to store your holiday lights, but I wasnt about to run to the store and pick these up, much less pay for them.  One of my resolutions is to be more frugal.....we'll see how long that lasts.
I decided to make my own.  If there is anything in abundance around any house after Christmas, it's cardboard.  Using a box cutter I cut rectangles, made a slit on the top and bottom and made my own light and garland winders!  My K pointed out that next year when we string the lights on the tree, it will be that much easier as we can just pass the winder around.  Just wanted to share this little idea with you. 


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